Midsummer Insight
Insight: The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of a person or thing.
I’ve spent three decades as a mental health professional helping people develop insight. Having intuition based on accumulated insights makes the world seem more interesting and manageable. Recently I’ve been wondering about another meaning of insight- a deep understanding of a thing as it pertains to the art of making jewelry.
At this point in my practice of making art jewelry I’m starting to feel insight into aspects of the craft. I really love setting stones. It feels like they have a tale to tell and I can’t wait to get them into the right place so they can tell their story. I have a growing insight into the gemstones and how to design a worthy home.
This month I’ve been exploring insights into stone setting with a series of new summer jewels starting with the summer solstice drop. This month I’ve added the midsummer jewels pictured below with my thoughts about the story behind each design.
Behind the scenes I have already tucked away pieces for my Fall collection which will feature autumn’s hues. Each new piece represents time spent seeking insight into the design that best tells the story of that jewel.
What insights do these midsummer jewels hold?
Golden Dendritic Agate Necklace
A slice of dendritic agate backed with golden glow brings forth the dreamlike feeling of a magical forest in suspended time
London Blue Topaz Chunky Bezel Necklace
A shimmering blue twinkle is contained by a golden jewel case complimented by oxidized silver that pulls the twinkle upwards in a crinkled silver path.
“Are you sure that we are awake? It seems to me yet we sleep, we dream.”