What do you see in the Organic Forms?

I’ve created four different organic forms in sterling silver that have a sculptural textured feeling. To me they each have a different personality and are a bit of a Rorschach test where you can project your own associations onto these modern flowing forms contained in a border of square wire. So for this blog post I would like to share what I see in each one and I hope you might tell me what you see.

Signature Lori Aks

Organic Form

I see a bold curving shape that makes me think of a woman who can do many things and she combines sparkle with texture.

Crumpled Form

I see a crumpled textured form that could be an emerging life form or a textured stone in a simple setting.

Squiggle Form

This form always makes me think of a magic bean with great possibilities, but it also is one of my favorite squiggle shapes that I have been doodling endlessly since I was in junior high school.

Petite organic form

These are the smallest of my four forms and I see either a birdlike shape or a keyhole, both thoughts evoke the feeling of possiblities and wonder.

Lori Aks Rosenberg

Meet Lori, a jewelry artist who bridges the worlds of art and psychology in her handcrafted art jewelry designs.


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